How To Find 5 Letter Brandable Domain Names

Now our 3 & 4 letter domain availability search tool might help you a lot to find short and pronounceable brandable domain names for your websites, blogs, companies or products.

Recently we updated the database of our 3 & 4 letter domain availability search tool and added two very interesting and useful databases.

“C” means “Consonant” = b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z
and “V” means “Vowel” = a e i o u
So CVCVC means – One Consonant Letter + One Vowel Letter + One Consonant Letter + One Vowel Letter + One Consonant Letter.
Example of CVCVC words – babab, cacac, navan etc.

“V” means “Vowel” a e i o u
And “C” means “Consonant” = b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z
So VCVCV means – One Vowel Letter + One Consonant Letter + One Vowel Letter + One Consonant Letter + One Vowel Letter .
Example of VCVCV words – ababa, acaca, avana etc.

Usually consonant letter followed by a vowel letter or vowel letter followed by consonant letter create catchy pronounceable words. These words may not be dictionary words or may not have any meaning but these words could be very catchy and memorable and can be used as brandable domains.

Some great examples of 5 letter CVCVC brandable names are –

And 5 letter VCVCV brandable names are –

Expert domainers or webmasters believe – “Short” is one of the most important characteristics of good domain names. Probably this is why all 3 letters and 4 letters .com domains are already registered and catchy 5 letters brandable domain names are also becoming unavailable very quickly.

If you are looking for a short, memorable as well as pronounceable brandable domain name then you are going to love this tool and this new database.

Let us show you how to use this tool to find a brandable name. First go to our 3 & 4 letter domain name availability search tool.

Then from our 3 letter domain search tool “Select Your Combination” drop down select “CVCVC” or “VCVCV” database.5 letter brandable domains

Now from “Sort By” select “Random” (this will privide you domain names randomly)random brandable names
And finally hit the “Search Names” button.
search brandable domain names
Our tool will present you 5 letter CVCVC names and will check domain name availability instantly. If you don’t like any name on the first page then go to the next page and next page and so on.

brandable domain list

And if you find a good domain name then please consider registering your domain name from our affiliate (partners) links. You will get better and cheap price and we will get some revenue from our partners which will help us to meet our operating cost.
brandable names affilaite

If you really love brandable domains then please spend some time with this tool and this new database and surely you are will end up with some great catchy and memorable domain names.

Visitors Coming To Find:

  • 5 letter available domain name generator
  • https://www namestall com/blog/find-5-letter-brandable-domains/


My name is Md Moazzem Hossain, and I have always had a passion for technology and entrepreneurship. I am a web enthusiast and I love to develop interesting and unique web tools and applications and live in Bangladesh. I am also an SEO expert and love to write about latest web applications and SEO techniques and has published articles in many different journals and article directories. My team and I are committed to providing excellent customer service and support to our users. We believe that our success is directly linked to the satisfaction and success of our users, and we strive to go above and beyond to meet their needs and exceed their expectations. I believe that technology has the power to transform people's lives, and I am dedicated to using it to empower individuals and businesses to achieve their goals and dreams.

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3 Responses

  1. Alex Morgan says:

    hey Ryan,
    thank you for this awesome tool. i was desperately looking for a domain search tool like this. i really like that cvcvc and vcvcv database. interestingly many 5 letter short domains are still available. good job man.

    • Ryan says:

      my pleasure Alex. yes i really like both cvcvc and vcvcv and personally i feel “Random” is good as you can have many random available domains….and it’s not boring….lol…

  2. albert says:

    I have brandable name too you can it? ?
    my domain is fivah. com